4 Tips to Combat Anxiety

Any approach to personal wellness will take emotional and mental health into account. It’s important that we think of ourselves as whole beings from the inside out. While there is now a very good understanding of depression and its treatments like medication, therapy, exercise, and a balanced diet, anxiety remains a quietly large mental and emotional issue that is rarely talked about.

Over 18% of people in the U.S. suffer with anxiety disorders every year according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. That is a very daunting statistic, and one likely to surprise many people. Perhaps even more surprising is that of those suffering with anxiety disorders, only 36% actually receive treatment.

If you feel overly anxious, or worried, or believe you’re suffering from an anxiety disorder, the best thing to do is immediately talk to your primary care doctor about it. They will be able to direct you toward the best medical and psychiatric interventions.

Beyond medicine and therapy, however, what else can you do to combat anxiety? We have a list of tips to help you combat anxiety now.

1 – Exercise

Much like with depression, regular exercise does seem to help fight the symptoms of anxiety. You don’t need to rush out and join a gym. Even low or moderate-intensity exercise like walking, jogging, or bike riding can offer great benefits. And it’s also great for your physical health as well! Talk to your doctor about a sensible exercise regime that will work well for your health and personal situation.

2 – Cut out caffeine

This may just seem like common sense. If caffeine helps make you feel wired, it stands to reason that cutting it out might make you feel a bit more calm. If you’re a hardcore caffeine addict you may want to taper a bit so you don’t go through caffeine withdrawal! You may find that just cutting back your caffeine will help abate some symptoms of anxiety.

3 – Meditation

You’ve probably heard about the many emotional benefits of meditation. Did you know some people find it helps ease anxiety? Practicing a regular meditation routine could help you mitigate the effects of stress. If you’ve never tried meditation, try YouTube for some easy to follow meditation guides to help you get started. Even a five-minute meditation session is a good place to start.

4 – Pets

Dogs really are a human’s best friend. And cats too! Actually, any number of pets can help their people lower their levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. There’s nothing like a loving pat to help you feel less isolated and alone. If your home, income, and lifestyle allow, consider visiting your local animal shelter and adopting a dog or cat who is in need of a forever home.