Tips For Saving Money On Your Phone Bill

Phone bill

Nobody likes bills. Most people have to put the majority of their incomes towards monthly expenses. Some common monthly bills for Americans include a mortgage, car payment, and phone bill.

If you’re not careful, these bills can add up very quickly and force anyone into a “living paycheck-to-paycheck” lifestyle. 

You’d be surprised by all the hidden fees you can find within the companies that bill you. With phone bills, it’s especially easy for the numbers to add up between the service, data plan, and travel fees.

Check out these tips for saving money on your phone bill.

Use Wi-Fi When You Can

This is one of both the easiest and most efficient ways of saving money on your phone bill! Each time you use cellular data, you run the risk of running out and being charged for each minute you use beyond your plan. Data is one of the biggest expenses that comes with any phone plan.

If you’re choosing to have a smartphone over a retro flip phone, you need to manage and monitor your data usage. That way, you avoid additional charges each month. The best solution to this is by hopping onto wi-fi networks when they’re available.

Most buildings where working companies, restaurants, or stores reside wi-fi should be available. Connect to wi-fi wherever you can, and save your data only for occasions where it isn’t!

Sign Up For Paperless Billing

Being charged automatically through paperless billing is helpful if you tend to be forgetful. This eliminates the risk of you forgetting to pay and being charged a late fee. 

Avoid Payment Plans

Buying a phone and paying it off over a period of time is common. However, you’ll run the risk of having unmanageable phone bills. Instead of committing to a 2-year minimum payment plan, purchase your phone upfront. This will decrease your monthly charges and limit your bills. 

Cut Out Things You Don’t Use

You’d be surprised by how many small fees and add-ons you’re paying for monthly, some of which you may not even be aware of! Break down your phone bill charges, and decide what things you’re paying for are a necessity. 

Some easy ways to shave off some of the expenses of your phone bill is by getting rid of unlimited data, emergency roadside assistance, and enhanced voicemail. By getting rid of these things, you can easily cut your phone expenses in half. Cut out what you don’t use and see how much easier saving money on your phone bill is!

Switch Carriers

Depending on how expensive your current phone bill is and how much you want to shave off, the easiest option may be to switch to a different carrier. While Verizon is one of the best phone carriers out there, it is also the most expensive one- unlike AT&T or T-Mobile.

If you’re needing to save money, take a look at other carriers that may have some of the same or similar benefits for a lower monthly expense!