Virgo Horoscope

Sep 18, 2024… Your mind can be be brimming with ideas and solutions if you let it loose. Today could bring its own set of challenges your way, but having the mental capacity to beat them can seem like sheer magic at times. This is one of those times, Virgo. Try to be patient with others whose minds are cycling slower today, it could be a bit annoying to wait for them to come up to speed when you’re in high gear. Enjoy the day — things should be clicking for you.

Today’s Inspiration: Being starved of human touch can have a devastating effect on our souls. Even the most introverted and anti-touchy-feely of us need physical contact from time to time. Ever feel like you need a hug or else you might just ball your eyes out? This could be a sign of touch starvation. Connect with someone and have yourself a good cuddle or even a firm handshake. If people aren’t your thing, you might snuggle up to a pet. Having contact with other warm, living beings is a vital part of the human experience.