Leo Horoscope

Sep 18, 2024… Heightened awareness can cause you to question things today. You are likely to be extra sensitive to the vibes around you, Leo — so if your intuition is telling you something, it will be the right energy to listen to it closely. You can use this extra awareness to solve a mystery or two, or just notice the awesome little things in your life that may have been flying under your radar.

Today’s Inspiration: Being starved of human touch can have a devastating effect on our souls. Even the most introverted and anti-touchy-feely of us need physical contact from time to time. Ever feel like you need a hug or else you might just ball your eyes out? This could be a sign of touch starvation. Connect with someone and have yourself a good cuddle or even a firm handshake. If people aren’t your thing, you might snuggle up to a pet. Having contact with other warm, living beings is a vital part of the human experience.