The Psychology of Dreaming

We spend about a third of our lives curled up in our cozy beds fast asleep. That’s a lot of time! How much do we know about what goes on when we shut our eyes for the night? 

This mysterious topic has many unanswered questions. Even scientists still don’t know why we sleep or dream, but there are a few things that we do know about the psychology of dreaming.

The Benefits of Sleep

Sleep allows us to recuperate, recharge, increase mental functions, and even helps us to grow. It wasn’t until 70 years ago that scientists discovered that the brain is active during sleep- not dormant! This means that your brain is busy at work while you are conked out under those warm covers. But what in the world is it doing?

During sleep, your eyes move back and forth. This is called Rapid Eye Movement, or REM for short. REM sleep is also where you experience your most vivid dreams. Through this form of sleep, your brain is extremely active. It’s hard at work tossing out toxins built up throughout the day. Your mind is also working through trauma and attempting to resolve issues.

When You Don’t Sleep…

On the other hand, a lack of sleep can cause problems with your immune system and a slower reaction time when you’re trying to be productive. Losing REM sleep is one of the fastest ways to hurt your body over time. Sleeping is vital to your health and wellness, so it’s important to get enough of it every night.

You’re also a lot more susceptible to mood swings when you’re unable to rest enough. A tired body makes it much more difficult to regulate emotions, and everything can feel a lot more amplified than it really is.

With all of that being said, it’s time to get some shut-eye! Now that you know the impact of deep sleep and regular dreaming, you won’t want to miss out on this type of restorative rest.

To help you dream more often, consider our article The Key To Falling Asleep And STAYING Asleep.