5 Apps That Help You Stay More Organized

Are you always on the move? Do you feel like your mind is always scattered in a million different directions? In the midst of the chaos of life, it’s easy to forget the resources we have to help us get through the to-do list of each day.

If you need to get your life in order, try out these 5 apps that will help you develop more organized habits.

1. Remember The Milk

Do you tend to be a little forgetful? With Remember The Milk, you can take your to-do list out of your head and let the app remind you of your tasks for the day.

You can share your list for collaborative efforts, and even sync your notifications between all of your devices so that you don’t miss a thing. And the best part? It’s completely FREE to sign up and use.

2. TripIt

When you’re traveling, it’s a pain to sort through endless confirmation emails or go back and forth between different apps to figure out where you’re going next. TripIt is the perfect way to centralize all your information and make traveling easy!

As you’re planning your trip, you can forward all of your bookings and plans to [email protected] and Tripit will develop a master itinerary for you to use during your travels. It can send you notifications about your next stop, and even send you alerts when something changes.

3. Shoeboxed

If your junk drawer is filled with paper receipts from shopping trips that you can’t even recall, you may need to sign up with Shoeboxed to help you organize your spending habits.

All you have to do is scan in all of your receipts, and the app will automatically organize an expense report for you. This report can help you see how much you’re spending and what categories you may be able to budget more strictly to save some money.

4. Unroll.Me

Surveys show that 84% of Americans underestimate the amount of money that they spend each month on subscriptions. But you can easily unsubscribe from sites you don’t use in just a few simple steps with Unroll.Me.

After signing in to your Gmail account, Unroll.Me provides a cumulative list of all the subscriptions that you’re signed up for through that email. You can then choose which ones you want to cancel, and the app does the rest for you!

5. LastPass

With so many password requirements every time you make an account on a new site, it can be quite a challenge to remember your login for each one. But with LastPass, you don’t have to worry about locking yourself out of your accounts when you’re having a moment of forgetfulness.

The app also helps you generate strong passwords and save them all in one protected place. If there is any risk of a data breach, LastPass notifies you so that you can take preventative measures.