3 Tricks to Make Job Hunting Easy

The hunt for a new job is quite a feat- the detailed applications, the constant meetings, the terrifying interviews. They’re competitive, chaotic, and all-consuming. Is there any way to make the process just a little bit easier?

If you’re looking to make your career exploration a little more palatable, try out these 3 tricks to make this undertaking a little less stressful.

1. Utilize Social Media

When you’re hunting for a new job, networking is everything. The theory of the 6 degrees of separation hypothesizes that all people are connected by six or fewer mutual connections. This is especially true with social media platforms.

Don’t underestimate the power of social media when it comes to bridging new connections. Interact with profiles that pique your professional interest, and don’t be afraid to direct message someone if you have an overlapping contact. Sometimes all it takes is a small moment of boldness behind the screen to make a connection that will be instrumental in your job search.

2. Always Be Prepared

You never know when the perfect job opportunity will come up. When you show up to a new potential place of employment, be ready to strike up a conversation and hand over your resume at any given moment. You never know when an impromptu interview might occur, and if you hit it off with management staff you might find yourself in an unexpected conversation about employment.

But when you show up prepared for anything, nothing can throw you off. Keep a digital and physical copy of your resume with you at all times so that you can always stay on the hunt. If you’re ready long before the situation presents itself, it’s much easier to handle it when your chance does come.

3. Remember- It’s Not Personal

Sometimes a job hunt can take an emotional toll on you- especially if it takes a while to find one suitable for you. Studies show that the average job search takes around 5 months. After experiencing rejection from potential employers, it’s difficult to not take it personally.

In order to keep your search easy and manageable, it’s important to disassociate yourself from the times a potential employer tells you “no.” There’s a myriad of circumstances that can influence that decision, and they’re not always about your failure to meet the job requirement.