2 Year Degrees Worth Bank.

If you’re considering going back to school, choosing an online degree program can be a very daunting task. Or maybe you have never gone to college before, and aren’t even sure where to begin. It can be tough to think about the amount of time you already need for your job and your family, and then consider adding in an online degree program on top of it. Many returning adult students consider associate’s degrees rather than bachelor’s courses precisely because the amount of time needed to complete the degree will be shorter. Associate’s degrees can also be earned online from community colleges and junior colleges, which can mean a fairly significant savings in tuition.

Whatever your reasons for considering an AA degree online, the ultimate salary for the positions your degree will qualify you for is probably a big part of the equation. Of course, money isn’t everything, but it isn’t something you can completely ignore either. So if you’re currently at a crossroads trying to determine which online associate’s degree to choose, we’ve got a list of some very high paying career fields which you can enter with a two year degree earned online.

Web Developer – $69,430 per year

There are many two year online degree options for people interested in programming, and web development is probably the most lucrative. Wed development and design is an ever expanding field and one with fairly good job prospects in most regional markets. You might even be able to find work remotely, if your dream is having one of those great at home jobs where you can work in your pajamas! If you’re interested in designing and helping to maintain websites, you’re in luck because it’s a very well paying job with a median salary of $69,430 per year.

Diagnostic Medical Sonographer – $67,080 per year

If you’ve always wanted to go into healthcare, but want only a two year degree, there are some accredited online associate’s degree programs for diagnostic imaging workers that may work for you. While most course work is completed online, clinical experience will be required before you graduate, but it is generally arranged for you by your college or university. If you’re hoping to maximize returns on your two year degree, you could do much worse than diagnostic sonography where the median salary is $67,080 per year!

Electrical Engineering Tech – $64,330 per year

Does helping design, build, test, and maintain electrical equipment and devices sound like the sort of career you’ve always wanted? Electrical engineering techs earn a great median salary of $64,330 per year. The best part is, you can earn an associate’s of science in electronics engineering technology from one of handful the online programs that cater to this specific profession.