Having a little side cash to pay down debt or make the holidays grand can really help relieve stress. A holiday or seasonal side gig, while temporary, can help you earn the fast cash you need to make Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even Black Friday more affordable. Let these ideas get you through a pinch when you need the most help.
Holiday Decorator
Ever take a drive around the neighborhood just before Christmas? Many neighbors want to keep up with the Joneses. From huge lawn blow-up decorations to lights that would make Clark Griswold green with envy, it takes a lot of time and work to get the decor perfect.
Some neighborhoods even have lighting contests!
What you might not know is that some people will happily pay for help with setting up holiday displays, especially if it means they don’t have to hang those pesky lights themselves. So, if you adore the holiday season, why not offer up your services?
From extreme decorating to putting up Christmas trees, someone in your neighborhood can almost assuredly use your help. Join other seasonal holiday decorators and help create a Holiday wonderland for eager-paying homeowners who really need the aid.
More Than a Mall Santa
Mall and department store Santas are as traditional as apple pie. So, too, is the yearly visit with that jolly old fella, complete with photos for kids aged 1 to 99. Dressing up like St. Nick and interacting with kids just might earn you an average of around $19 an hour!
If the idea of sticky children makes you want to run in the other direction, don’t panic. There’s more than one way to play Santa this year. Retailers may also need helpers to stock shelves, wrap presents and help last-minute shoppers find the perfect gifts.
From sales associates to personalized shoppers, many local department stores need extra holiday help. Reach out to them about part-time, high-paying seasonal side gigs to rake in that cold, hard cash this year.
Fall Festival Coordinator
The start of fall is less October 21st and more about when the air turns crisp and pumpkin spice lattes make their grand entrance into coffee shops everywhere. Small towns and cities alike bustle with craft fairs and festivals, many of whom sell sweet treats, handcrafts, pumpkins, and cider.
Many hands make light work when it comes to these events; they take quite a bit of micromanaging to pull off right. That’s where you come in.
Small businesses and towns need coordinators to set up venues, attract vendors and make their small town festivals worthy of attracting a lot of happy patrons. If you’re good at organizing and meeting deadlines, this gig might be for you.
Landscaping and Lawn Cleanup
As soon as the first snow or ice melts, life begins to seep through the dirt. For pet owners, more than just the Earth itself begins to surface. Some homeowners need help cleaning up all the dog droppings from over the winter.
Others may need extra help clearing out garden beds, bagging up leaves, or clearing out yard debris. They might even pay you to plant flowers or mow the lawn. Best of all, word-of-mouth advertising is a great way to build this seasonal side gig. So, get out there and talk to your neighbors before someone else beats you to the punch.
The best part about seasonal side gigs is that they don’t take a ton of time out of your day. You can still work your regular job and engage in a second gig after work or on the weekends. The pay is generally pretty good, and you gain great experience while helping your community at the same time. What’s not to love?