A Happier, Healthier School Experience

While school is dragging on, it can be difficult to stay strong, stay in and reach all of your goals. The temptation to be distracted is a struggle many students feel but, by following these quick steps, you can refocus your attention and get back on track. 

  • Exercise

One of the best ways to improve your mood and health is just to get outside and walk, jog or run. Studies have shown that exercise reduces anxiety and depression and even improves cognitive function. Some of the most beneficial are team sports, cycling, and aerobic activities. Even doing small tasks can make a huge impact on your well-being. 

  • Sleep

Getting enough rest can be nearly impossible when going to school. Needed sleep varies from person to person, but the National Institutes of Health www.nih.gov recommends school-age children and teens need at least 9 hours of sleep per day, and adults and seniors need 7-8 hours. With enough sleep, you will get sick less frequently, maintain a healthy weight, think clearer, have less stress, and much more. If you can’t find the time to sleep that much, naps are surprisingly beneficial! In fact, for perceptual learning, a 90-minute nap is as good as a full night’s sleep.

  • Dedicated study area

A quick way to refocus your efforts is to have a distraction-free workspace. Investing in a good office chair and a quality desk can up your productivity and help speed up learning. Studies have shown that multitasking means not giving 100% to either project you are working on; keeping your work area clutter-free and clean means you can give all your attention to your projects.

  • Time management

Writing a schedule with specific time blocks for studying can help manage your work, school, and social life. If you designate time in your calendar to study, you will be able to remind yourself of your obligations to your future. Having a group study night at the same time and same day each week can really keep you from falling behind. Pick a time of day when you are well-rested and can engage in distraction-free learning.

  • Socialize

This may sound counterintuitive, but going out and being social will help you. From a night out with your friends to spending time with a study partner, socializing greatly impacts emotional stability. Also, the people you are attending college with are very likely to become your friends and coworkers. Being with people from different backgrounds can have a greater impact on your perspective than any college course will, and campuses are full of people from many different states, countries, and cultures.